Peer-reviewed articles
- Bär D, Pröllochs N, Feuerriegel S (2025)
The Role of Social Media Ads for Election Outcomes: Evidence From the 2021 German Election
PNAS Nexus, forthcoming.
- Chuai Y, Sergeeva A, Lenzini G, Pröllochs N (2025)
Community Fact-Checks Trigger Moral Outrage in Replies to Misleading Posts on Social Media
Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’25), forthcoming.
- Feuerriegel S, Maarouf A, Bär D, Geissler D, Schweisthal J, Pröllochs N, Robertson C, Rathje S, Hartmann J, Mohammad S, Netzer O, Siegel A, Plank B, Van Bavel J (2025)
Using Natural Language Processing to Analyse Text Data in Behavioural Science
Nature Reviews Psychology, 4, pp. 96 – 111.
- Chuai Y, Zhao J, Pröllochs N, Lenzini G (2025)
Is Fact-Checking Politically Neutral? Asymmetries in How U.S. Fact-Checking Organizations Pick Up False Statements Mentioning Political Elites
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM ’25), forthcoming.
- Maarouf A, Feuerriegel S, Pröllochs N (2025)
A Fused Large Language Model for Predicting Startup Success
European Journal of Operational Research, 322(1), pp. 198-214.
- Drolsbach C, Solovev K, Pröllochs N (2024)
Community Notes Increase Trust in Fact-Checking on Social Media
PNAS Nexus, 3(7), pgae217
- Chuai Y, Tian H, Pröllochs N, Lenzini G (2024)
Did the Roll-Out of Community Notes Reduce Engagement With Misinformation on X/Twitter?
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW)
- Pilarski M, Solovev K, Pröllochs N (2024)
Community Notes vs. Snoping: How the Crowd Selects Fact-Checking Targets on Social Media
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM ’24)
- Drolsbach C, Pröllochs N (2024)
Content Moderation on Social Media in the EU: Insights From the DSA Transparency Database
WWW Companion
- Lutz B, Marc A, Feuerriegel S, Pröllochs N, Neumann D (2024)
Which Linguistic Cues Make People Fall for Fake News? A Comparison of Cognitive and Affective Processing
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW)
- Maarouf A, Pröllochs N, Feuerriegel S (2024)
The Virality of Hate Speech on Social Media
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW)
- Lutz B, Marc A, Feuerriegel S, Pröllochs N, Neumann D (2024)
Affective Information Processing of Fake News: Evidence From NeuroIS
European Journal of Information Systems, 33(5), pp. 654 – 673.
- Feuerriegel S, DiResta R, Goldstein J, Kumar S, Lorenz-Spreen P, Tomz M, Pröllochs N (2023)
Research Can Help to Tackle AI-Generated Disinformation
Nature Human Behaviour, 7, pp. 1818 – 1821.
- Geissler D, Bär D, Pröllochs N, Feuerriegel S (2023)
Russian Propaganda on Social Media During the 2022 Invasion of Ukraine
EPJ Data Science, 12, 35.
- Robertson C, Pröllochs N, Schwarzenegger K, Parnamets P, Van Bavel J, Feuerriegel S (2023)
Negativity Drives Online News Consumption
Nature Human Behaviour, 7, pp. 812 – 822.
- Drolsbach C, Pröllochs N (2023)
Diffusion of Community Fact-Checked Misinformation on Twitter
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW)
- Pröllochs N, Feuerriegel S (2023)
Mechanisms of True and False Rumor Sharing in Social Media: Collective Intelligence or Herd Behavior?
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW)
- Solovev K, Pröllochs N (2023)
Moralized Language Predicts Hate Speech on Social Media
PNAS Nexus, 2(1), pgac281
- Drolsbach C, Pröllochs N (2023)
Believability and Harmfulness Shape the Virality of Misleading Social Media Posts
Proceedings of The Web Conference (WWW ’23)
- Bär D, Pröllochs N, Feuerriegel S (2023)
New Threats to Society From Free-Speech Social Media Platforms
Communications of the ACM, 66(10), pp. 37 – 40
- Jakubik J, Vössing M, Bär D, Pröllochs N, Feuerriegel S (2023)
Online Emotions During the Storming of the US Capitol: Evidence from the Social Media Network Parler
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM ’23)
- Bär D, Pröllochs N, Feuerriegel S (2023)
Finding Qs: Profiling QAnon Supporters on Parler
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM ’23)
- Solovev K, Pröllochs N (2022)
Hate Speech in the Political Discourse on Social Media: Disparities Across Parties, Gender, and Ethnicity
Proceedings of The Web Conference (WWW ’22)
- Solovev K, Pröllochs N (2022)
Moral Emotions Shape the Virality of COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media
Proceedings of The Web Conference (WWW ’22)
- Lutz B, Pröllochs N, Neumann D (2022)
Are Longer Reviews Always More Helpful? Disentangling the Interplay Between Review Length and Line of Argumentation
Journal of Business Research, 144, pp. 888 – 901.
- Pröllochs N (2022)
Community-Based Fact-Checking on Twitter’s Birdwatch Platform
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM ’22)
- Pröllochs N, Bär D, Feuerriegel S (2021)
Emotions Explain Differences in the Diffusion of True vs. False Social Media Rumors
Scientific Reports, 11, 22721
- Pröllochs N, Bär D, Feuerriegel S (2021)
Emotions in Online Rumor Diffusion
EPJ Data Science, 10, 51
- Solovev K, Pröllochs N (2021)
Integrating Floor Plans into Hedonic Models for Rent Price Appraisal
Proceedings of The Web Conference (WWW ’21)
- Feuerriegel S, Pröllochs N (2021)
Investor Reaction to Financial Disclosures Across Topics: An Application of Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Decision Sciences, 52 (3), pp. 608 – 628
- Pröllochs N, Feuerriegel S, Lutz B, Neumann D (2020)
Negation Scope Detection for Sentiment Analysis: A Reinforcement Learning Framework for Replicating Human Interpretations
Information Sciences, 536, pp. 205 – 221
- Lutz B, Pröllochs N, Neumann D (2020)
Predicting Sentence-Level Polarity Labels of Financial News Using Abnormal Stock Returns
Expert Systems with Applications, 148, 113223
- Lutz B, Marc A, Feuerriegel S, Pröllochs N, Neumann D (2020)
Identifying Linguistic Cues of Fake News Associated with Cognitive and Affective Processing: Evidence from NeuroIS
Information Systems and Neuroscience, pp. 16 – 23
- Pröllochs N, Feuerriegel S (2020)
Business Analytics for Strategic Management: Identifying and Assessing Corporate Challenges via Topic Modeling
Information and Management, 57(1), 103070
- Lutz B, Pröllochs N, Neumann D (2019)
The Longer the Better? The Interplay Between Review Length and Line of Argumentation in Online Consumer Reviews
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS ’19)
- Pröllochs N, Feuerriegel S, Neumann D (2019)
Learning Interpretable Negation Rules via Weak Supervision at Document Level: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT ’19)
- Lutz B, Marc A, Feuerriegel S, Pröllochs N, Neumann D (2019)
Affective Information Processing of Fake News: Evidence from NeuroIS
Information Systems and Neuroscience, pp. 121 – 128
- Pröllochs N, Feuerriegel S (2019)
ReinforcementLearning: A Package to Perform Model-Free Reinforcement Learning in R
Journal of Open Source Software, 4(38), 1087
- Lutz B, Pröllochs N, Neumann D (2019)
Sentence-Level Sentiment Analysis of Financial News Using Distributed Text Representations and Multi-Instance Learning
Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS ’19)
- Lutz B, Pröllochs N, Neumann D (2018)
Understanding the Role of Two-Sided Argumentation in Online Consumer Reviews: A Language-Based Perspective
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS ’18)
- Pröllochs N, Feuerriegel S, Neumann D (2018)
Statistical Inferences for Polarity Identification in Natural Language
PLOS One, 13(12), e0209323
- Hannemann F, Pröllochs N, Alfano S, Neumann D (2018)
Noise Trader Behavior – A Disaggregated Approach to News Reception and Processing in Financial Markets
Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS ’18)
- Pröllochs N, Adam M, Feuerriegel S, Neumann D (2018)
Information Processing of Financial News: The Role of Cognitive Dissonance and Information Avoidance
Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS ’18)
- Lutz B, Pröllochs N, Neumann D (2017)
Understanding the Role of Social Media in the Assessment of Retailer-Hosted Consumer Reviews
Proceedings of the Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS ’17)
- Alfano S, Pröllochs N, Märkle-Huß J, Feuerriegel S, Neumann D (2017)
Setting the Right Tone: How Data Science Enables Investor Communication to Choose the Right Language
Proceedings of the Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI ’17)
- Pröllochs N, Feuerriegel S, Neumann D (2016)
Negation Scope Detection in Sentiment Analysis: Decision Support for News-Driven Trading
Decision Support Systems, 88(1), pp. 67 – 75
- Pröllochs N, Feuerriegel S, Neumann D (2016)
Is Human Information Processing Affected by Emotional Content? Understanding The Role of Facts and Emotions in the Stock Market
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS ’16)
- Alfano S, Rapp M, Pröllochs N, Feuerriegel S, Neumann D (2016)
Driven by News Tone? Understanding Information Processing When Covariates are Unknown: The Case of Natural Gas Price Movements
Proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI ’16)
- Pröllochs N, Feuerriegel S, Neumann D (2016)
Detecting Negation Scopes for Financial News Sentiment Using Reinforcement Learning
Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS ’16), Best Paper Award
- Pröllochs N, Feuerriegel S, Neumann D (2015)
Generating Domain-Specific Dictionaries Using Bayesian Learning
Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS ’15)
- Pröllochs N, Feuerriegel S, Neumann D (2015)
Enhancing Sentiment Analysis of Financial News by Detecting Negation Scopes
Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS ’15), Nominated for the Best Paper Award